Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Barack Obama wants to put us all in word jail

So last night I was in a pretty piss-poor mood. I about got very angry with my good friend Tim, so I decided it'd be better if I just got some sleep. I went to couch at 10 PM and slept until 2 AM. When I woke up, I finished watching American Graffiti, and two of the people in the movie that loved each other kind of made me jealous because I've not been in the most loving relationship here lately, so that kind of set me off even more and I texted Katie saying things that I guess I really meant but may regret later today. It was basically me saying to quit stringing me along and love me or dump me because I cannot take the stress of never hearing from her. I mean it's one thing to be in a long distance relationship and barely see your partner, but to barely hear from them? That's just rough. Especially when you know damn well they can text you back when you drop them a line. Sooo, we'll see if I get dumped today, if I'll get an apology of sorts today, or if I'll receive no word whatsoever today. Cross your fingers.

I watched this movie called Firewall that has Harrison Ford in it because I've been on this Harrison Ford movie kick. I'd never heard of the movie. I was actually looking for Blade Runner in the movie store, but I saw this movie first, so I took it up and rented it. When I got home, I looked up some reviews on it and a site called Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 19% saying that the plot twists are improbable and Harrison Ford's role did him no justice or something like that. So I kind of set my standards a little lower when watching the movie. To be completely honest with everyone, myself included, I thought it was one of the most intense movies I've seen in a while. Definitely kept me at the edge of my seat, but not in an action-packed way. What happens is that Harrison Ford's character works at this bank and designed the software that keeps everyone's account codes safe and all that jazz. Well this bad guy man has done all of this research on Ford's character and has his people hold his family and him hostage. Ford then has to "break in" to the bank for the bad guy. Pretty intense when the family tries to sneak out or when the little boy almost dies or when Ford tries to trick the people and just everything. There's a lot of psychological shit in there. I thought it was a good movie and the end of it had me real tense and the dog though I was going to have a heart attack.

So has told me that Weezer's new album is to be called Raditude. No one on that site likes Weezer. They call all blow me one by one. I kind of hate the punk scene at times. There really is not that respect they say they have. I mean, Weezer never claimed to be punk, so why is everyone so quick to say that they hate geek rock? Who gives a shit if you hate geek rock? What the fuck does that even mean? If Rivers Cuomo didn't wear those glasses, would they be in the same genre? Fuckin' dicks. Also, as Brendan announced two days ago, The Lawrence Arms' new 7" will be called Buttsweat and Tears. It took until just today to announce that. Come on, we need a better news team than this! If we didn't find out that the Twin Towers went down until September just wouldn't have had the same impact...pun intended. I do, as I may have said before, find it to be very funny that takes whatever Brendan Kelly posts in his blog as legitimate news. You have to search through his stories of butt-fucking and toilets at venues with shit piled past the seat to find the "news."

Okay, so you want me to add to the ridiculous album names? I Forget's new album is going to be called Everyone Sharts. Like when you fart and shit comes out? You should know what it means. Why are we calling it that? Well because album title idea 1 did not work out because the picture did not work out. So maybe Is Your Mom Still Around? will be released later. Guess we'll have to see whether or not we care.

Cross country has been a pain in my ass almost literally. My ass doesn't hurt compared to my legs and calves, though. I guess it could be worse. I can actually walk, but when I'm actually running, it's just hell. We ran a plain terrible course today. I probably ran at least 5 or 6 miles. They don't pay me enough...and one of the reasons I started getting pissed yesterday was that I came to realize that I can't go to Hagerstown to see Katie this week because cross country rehearsal is at 3:30 PM starting tomorrow and that goes on until the season is over. That really bummed me out and made me irritated. Life in that department seems to get progressively more difficult...and what do you do about it?

Here's a list of the movies I've watched in the past week:

-Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
-Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
-Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
-Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
-Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
-Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
-SLC Punk
-The Fugitive
-American Graffiti

I believe that's it...and Harrison Ford is in 6 of those 10 listed. I've been meaning to start watching the Lord of the Rings series this week, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Perhaps I'll start tonight. Depends on my mood. You need a solid 3 hours of nothing planned to do each of those. Party at Nick's house this Friday!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm coming!
I think.