Thursday, July 16, 2009

Silly goose!

I saw the new Harry Potter movie today. So did a lot of people. I love that shit. Takes me away to a better place or something. If Harry Potter was real, it'd be way cooler than Twilight being real. I don't really know what to say about it other than it was tough getting tickets and getting in. We bought tickets an entire show early because they were sold out for the 6:30 showing. We went at 9:45. It was Brittney, Tim, Kierston, and I. Yeah, whatev.

Set Your Goals sound like Propagandhi music with some more metalcore influence and some chanting and much scener vocals. Chris Hannah couldn't sound scene no matter how scene the vocal melody was. I think they might love Jesus, too. Propagandhi doesn't give a shit about Jesus.

I spent my night watching Bruno because it was leaked. It was pretty good and I think the gay community needs to cool down sometimes. Once again, this guy exposes a lot of ignorance and in this case homophobia. I don't think it really gives a solution, but it shows that yes, there is no logic in people when it comes to hating gays.

I've come to accept that I really have nothing insightful to say today, either. I'm packing for the beach tomorrow and leaving early Friday morning so I might not blog for a while or if I do, it'll be at weird times of the day for me. I gotta get up rather early (probably before noon) and help my mom with feeding animals and other shit before we go, so I should probably get to sleep now since it's quarter past 4 AM. Yeah. Great. I don't like vacation. I hope this goes nicely. Pray to your gods for me.


1 comment:

God said...

Where the HELL do you find your movie leaks?!