Saturday, April 25, 2009

Prom skipper

Probably a good portion of the junior and senior class is out dancing together in a room filled with hormones right now. Well, there's really no "probably" about it. It's happening. Hundreds of kids from Frankfort and their boyfriends and girlfriends who go to other schools are all at the prom. Same goes for kids from Mountain Ridge and Hampshire. I, on the other hand, skipped out. I am asked why I don't go to prom for many reasons. I suppose I will present you with a list or something.

  • I fucking hate terrible music.
  • They only play fucking terrible music at prom or ANY school dance. Hair ballads, hip hop bullshit, country ballads (modern country, that is), and shitty modern rock. Fuck all of that.
  • I have no date and don't enjoy being reminded of that by hundreds of other people in the room.
  • I don't like at least half of the people that would be going.
  • I only dance at shows.
  • I have nothing nice to wear and think spending a lot of money on nice clothes on my junior year is retarded.
  • Can you imagine me dancing at a school dance?

I think that covers my biggest points. Now here are some ways that I would maybe consider going.

  • If I had a date with someone I really liked.
  • If, instead of a DJ, The AKA's played.
  • If, instead of a DJ, I Forget could play.
  • If I felt I could go and talk to new people instead of the people I see every day of my life and am sick of enough as it is.
  • If I was a modern country, modern rock, hair metal, hip hop tool bag.
  • If I was a girl.

Since none of those things are true statements or anything, you may be able to see why I feel I have no place at a school dance. Not my thing. Not my comfort area. 8th Grade Dance was the worst night of my life. Why would I want to even go to something that reminds me of that?

I Forget opened for a Christian band today. Kind of fuckin' weird, since we sing "I'm better than Jesus Christ" in a song. That, and Steve was wearing his kickass No Jesus toboggan. Though their views and mine don't align real well, I still thought their music and performance was nothign short of excellent. The up-right bassist also played flute, the girl had an amazing voice and played clarinet, and they all played random percussion and kazoos. Except for the drummer and Brendan, who kept to their instruments: drum set and banjo respectively. Oh, actually Brendan played a drum once and some ukelele, too. Okay, so it was awesome, basically. Folky ska gospel shit. Kinda badass, though I don't like gospel (since every gospel lyric was written by the 1600's and I don't really care for them in the first place). I loved it regardless, and they seemed to like OUR music. The older people were bobbing their heads and smiling as we sang even lyrics like "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck you can suck my fucking nut." That's gonna be a great song when we record it and everyone can clearly hear that I Forget doesn't give half a shit about censorship.

I am really bored this evening, as I often am spending evenings at my stepdad's house, even though I'm not missing missing the prom. Thing about it is that my friends who I usually talk to on MSN to keep me company are either at the prom or out together celebrating that they're not at the prom, probably by playing Rock Band, Super Smash Bros, and/or Mario Kart Wii. Damn. Next weekend won't be boring at all, as I'll be seeing Alkaline Trio and then going to Virginia the next day to play a show. I know, I say the same things every day.

I just got two shows for us booked for this summer. Slackerfest and some show in Moundsville, WV. The Sheckies are playing Slackerfest and we're not opening the show!!!

I'm excited now.


1 comment:

Kayleigh said...

the beginning of this blog amused me to no end. your points are very valid though.